


We invite residents and community stakeholders from all eight So Indy neighborhoods to join us in building a more inclusive and active South Indy. Our team works to create strong relationships among neighborhoods and institutions, foster community identity and historical pride through marketing and events, and promote the sustainability of the South Indy Quality of Life Plan.


  • We envision an inclusive South Indy identity which reflects the assets of the entire community and individual neighborhoods.

    • South Indy is branded and promoted to reflect a community-wide and neighborhood specific identity.

  • Residents, businesses, and community partners are able to communicate and collaborate across boundaries for continued progress in South Indy.

    • A mechanism and strategy is created to share South Indy news, information, and events are shared across neighborhoods.

    • The South Indy QoL is sustained with a leadership model that facilitates QoL Plan progress.

  • South Indy families will have access to a mix of affordable community programming.

    • Build community by enhancing existing events.

    • Foster community and civic partnerships.

    • South Indy QoL programming gaps are addresses.